5 Bone-Chilling Horror And Creepy Stories To Tell In The Dark

horror mask

The world is filled with horror and scary stories, and many people face the worst of their imaginations daily. However, even amidst those with creepy experiences, some stand out because of their unique fears coming to life.

What happens when a person faces a dread almost incomparable in nature? Today, you will know, as we will be going through 5 scary stories to tell in the dark.

Key Takeaways

  • The world is scary and filled with dark stories.
  • Here are some scary tales for you to tell in the dark.

A Horror Story Like No Other

Stygiophobia, or the fear of hell, is a complex phobia that has eaten into the fabric of society. Throughout multiple cultures and religions, the fear of having to spend one’s life in continuous suffering irks so many people out.

However, some may argue that there are some instances where hell seems like paradise; this was the horror story of Hisashi Ouchi.

Decades after the discovery of radioactivity and the incredible power housed by one of the tiniest things in the universe, the atom, many countries hopped on the bandwagon of creating energy through radiation. However, no one could have ever foreseen what would happen on the 30th of September, 1999.

On that fateful morning, Hisashi Ouchi and two coworkers worked at the Tokaimura nuclear power plant northeast of Japan’s capital, Tokyo.

nuclear power plant

The workers, who had no prior knowledge or training about nuclear energy, were not, in the slightest, prepared for what was to come.

As Hisashi held up a funnel and his fellow mates poured a uranyl nitrate solution with about 16.6 kg of Uranium, something went awry, and a bright beam of blue light flashed across the room.

Realizing an incident had occurred, Hisashi and the workers left, but the deed was done.

After arriving at the hospital to check out his slight injuries, Hisashi seemed somewhat ok, but in about a day, the nightmare came. First, he needed more and more oxygen. Then, his abdomen swelled.

With no clue about the predicament that befell Hisashi, a specialist came to help, and on looking at his cells, the specialist discovered that some of Hisashi’s chromosomes, which contain DNA, the elixir of life, were obliterated.

Unknown to everyone, the worst was yet to come.

As the days changed, Hisashi’s condition worsened. Because his Chromosomes had disintegrated, his skin cells could no longer function, so they peeled off like an onion.

In severe pain, he continued receiving treatment, but the doctors could do little to help as there were not enough current cases of radiation poisoning to work with.

With his cells dying, Hisashi’s body was shutting down. Pain medications no longer work when veins can’t transport blood and essential nutrients.

After his condition entered an all-time severity, Hisashi slipped into unconsciousness. The doctors, unable to help, asked his family to sign the papers to end his suffering. However, unable to let him go, they refused, and treatment continued.

For 83 days, Hisashi Ouchi suffered one of the worst dying processes ever. His organs eventually gave out, and he succumbed to his injuries. Truly horrifying.

The Horror of The Darkness We Dread

Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of closed or cramped spaces. For many people, being put in a tiny environment invokes the feeling of dread; this is an understandable fear as humans face existential crises when placed in an environment that forces us to rethink our scale.

Almost no environment invokes the feeling of nervousness like the ocean’s depths. The incredible darkness beneath the waters makes people uneasy and has spawned some scary stories in the dark.

But what if someone is trapped in a cramped space under the ocean for days? That was the horror story of Harrison Okene.

In 2013, Harrison was working as a cook on a tugboat sent to stabilize an oil tanker in the Atlantic Ocean about 32 kilometers from the coast of Nigeria.

However, at 5 am, Harrison’s boat capsized and began to sink. It eventually settled at 30 meters on the sea floor.

Desperate to survive, Harrison threaded into the darkness and eventually found a small room with an air pocket. Unknown to him, he would begin an ordeal that would last for almost 3 days.

In the darkness and cold, the feeling of dread washed over Harrison every passing minute, as he knew the chances of someone coming to rescue him were slim to none.

For days, he screamed and prayed and hoped that someone would save him.

Eventually, fate smiled as some divers were to check the boat’s wreckage.

Harrison’s rescue made headlines, as his survival at such a depth was nothing but a miracle.

The Second Sun In The Sky

War is scary
War is chaos and madness
War is loss and destruction
War is pain and death

Thousands of wars have been fought, won, and lost throughout history. Many humans have died in conflicts, and many have lost people closest to them.

However, the destruction of wars was not realized until the dropping of the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

These tools of utter desolation would lead to the highest death count from any single bomb ever detonated.

As the B-29 bomber flew over Hiroshima on the 6th of August, 1945, no one could have ever guessed what would follow next.

The plane flew so high in the sky and dropped what looked like a dot, the dot of death.

As the dot drew closer to the ground, many people looked up to the clouds. Unknown to them, it would be the last time their molecules exist.

At about 1,500 feet, the bomb exploded. Its fires grew so hot, and its light shone so brightly. It tore atoms apart and ripped buildings from the ground. Like a wave, the bomb spread its tentacles, claiming almost every life it could touch.

By the time the fires had calmed, 90,000 to 146,000 people were dead, and the world’s eyes opened to the new threat humanity had created.

the hiroshima atomic bomb explosion
The Hiroshima Nuclear Explosion

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Man vs The Deep Blue Sea

Megalophobia is the intense fear of massive things. Many people dread the massive because it makes humans small and insignificant.

Nothing on the planet screams gigantic like the Ocean, as water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface.

In fact, the Pacific Ocean is so big that it is its antipode (direct opposite regions on the surface of the Earth).

So what happens when a person goes missing on the Ocean? This is the story of José Salvador Alvarenga.

José was a Salvadoran fisherman who worked on the Ocean for a living. He caught and sold fish to provide for his family. However, his life was about to change in the wildest way possible.

On the 17th of November, 2012, José and an inexperienced fisherman, Ezequiel Córdoba, set out on a 30-hour fishing job. However, while working, their boat was blown off course by a storm that would go on for about five days.

After the storm subsided, José and Córdoba realized they were lost in the Ocean.

lost at sea

The first day came, and second, and third, and fourth. Soon, José realized he was in a completely overwhelming situation.

Though a search party was organized, it brought no results, and weeks turned into months.

By the fourth month, Córdoba’s depression had gone through the roof, and he eventually died from suicide by starvation.

With the only human with him gone, José began contemplating taking his own life. However, his faith stopped him, so he continued drifting across the Ocean alone.

One thing people don’t understand is just how dark the Ocean is. It is so dark at night that one can’t see their hands without artificial light.

José’s nightmare lingered as all hope vanished. However, he finally saw a container ship in the distance, but to his utter dismay, he couldn’t ask for help, and it abandoned him.

He would go through this cycle many times, and by the end, his sanity was almost gone.

Eventually, José saw land in the distance and swam to it. To his relief, there were people, and his salvation was complete. By the time he reached land, he had been on the Ocean for 438 days and had traveled between 8,900 and 10,000 km.

The Horror of The Loss of Control

Losing control over one’s actions is a fear rooted in validity, as one wants to watch the world fly past them, unable to partake or react to it.

However, what happens when one loses control to the point reality blends with fiction and horror? That is the scary tale of Datura stories.

horror trip

Datura is a genus of a group of nine plant species that are incredibly poisonous. It is so harmful that people use it for nefarious activities like poisoning others.

However, some people who decide to explore the darkness of this poison take it; this is when they realize the hell they have entered.

As a deliriant, Datura causes its taker to undergo hallucinations perceived as reality. For most cases online, the hallucinations experienced are one of pure horror and hell.

Some see themselves hanged upside down in caves with blood-sucking bats, others see creatures of darkness inching towards them as they are unable to move, and some see the worst thoughts they have ever had come to life and haunt them non-stop.

The worst part is the effects of the plant can sometimes take a week to end. So, some people remain stuck in their creepy and spooky hallucinations.

Imagine being in your worst nightmare for days without help. That would be considered true terror.


Tell us in the comments if you love reading our true scary stories, as we would love to make more horror stories to read in the dark. Your comments are loved and well-received.

That is all we have for today.

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