4 Interesting Random Facts For You Right Now

Lasagna facts

In a fast-paced world, many people are constantly seeking out facts. You are one of those searchers and must be hungry to learn 4 very random facts.

Well, you are in the right place, as we will be going through 4 completely awkward and random facts for you right now. So sit back and enjoy.

The Amazing Brain of Pigeons

Pigeons are among the most intelligent birds on the planet. They can perform tasks that would otherwise irk most humans out in incredible ways.

AI Brains

According to a discovery by Brandon Turner, a professor of psychology at the University of Ohio, in his study, these birds act like Artificial Intelligence (AI) by using a brute force style of solving problems.

pigeon facts for you

Pigeon Painting Experiment

In another experiment, scientists successfully trained pigeons to discriminate between paintings of Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet

They did this by exposing the animals to each artist’s paintings and introducing paintings not used in the experiment.

The birds successfully determined each painting according to its artists, and they could even discern an inverted Picasso painting simply from the distinct color pattern and brush strokes.

Shockingly, the pigeons could also group artists who painted in a similar pattern together, and they could determine whether an artwork was good or bad using trained samples as a reference.

The History of Lasagna

Lasagna, or lasagne, is a pasta made in flat sheets. It has cemented its position as one of the most prominent forms of pasta in the Western world.

However, you must be curious and ask, how did lasagna come to exist? Where was the first lasagna made? And who thought of rolling pasta into sheets?

delicious lasagna

Well, the answer goes far back to about 800 years.

The first mention of lasagna was in the Memoriali Bolognesi in 1282. It was written as part of a poem by a Bolognese notary. Because that is the oldest mention, no one knows what year the dish came.

However, the first lasagna recipe came in the early 14th century in the Liber de Coquina, translated as The Book of Cookery. Most historians would argue that this was the start of the dish.

Next time you look up a lasagna recipe, know it has a rich and old history.

Facts About The Weirdest Planet in The Solar System

Our solar system has 8 planets that operate similarly, except for one black sheep: Uranus.

Uranus is the weirdest of the planets in our solar system, and it gets this title because of how different it seems to be.

Uranus facts

First, it is the only planet that spins on its sides. Yes, Uranus is tilted at 90 degrees, meaning it seems to roll around the Sun instead of spinning.

Not yet impressed? How about the fact that Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system?

Most people think the farther a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is; this holds in most cases, except that Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, not the last, and is still colder than Neptune.

For more context, Uranus has recorded the lowest temperature in the solar system, about -224 degrees Celsius, while Neptune, on the other hand, reached -214 degrees.

Uranus is the coldest because it holds less heat than other planets. Scientists have been unable to explain this phenomenon, but the leading theory suggests the planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere cause its frigid temperatures.

The Weirdest Fear on The Planet

the fear of paper

There are people with many phobias in today’s world. From the fear of heights to that of the deep blue sea, some of these fears stem from some rational thought or experience. However, some phobias are weird in every way possible. One of them is Papyrophobia, the fear of paper.

That’s right, some people have an irrational fear of paper. Though it is not a common phobia, Papyrophobia can severely affect its victims’ lives because, in today’s world, it is almost impossible to escape using paper as it is an integral part of the education system.


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