5 Reasons X (Twitter) Is The Worst App For You

6 reasons twitter is the worst

Have you noticed that you feel disillusioned with the world recently? Have you discovered you get angry and feel unhappy even when something good happens to you? Then, that may be a sign that you are falling into a dark hole curated by thousands of machines.

X, or as it was formerly called, Twitter, has always been a center of interaction between people of all works of life. However, of late, it has turned into a degenerate cesspool of the worst things in human day-to-day living. Today, we will be taking you through 5 reasons why X (Twitter) is the worst app for you.

Excessive Gore

Every social media platform tries its best to shield its users from the dangers of the internet; this includes setting up human agents to scan through videos and pictures.

Though these protections are not always 100% fail-proof, as we saw with the gore video of a girl on TikTok going viral, X (Twitter) does things disgustingly differently.

The app allows pages to post gore content, so it racks up more controversy and retention; this is a very harmful method of engaging people, as some are taken off guard by sudden videos showing harmful content.

twitter videos

What makes this even worse is that if an individual opens a new account on X, their feed gets flooded with numerous gore and violent videos, even with the safe content option turned on. It makes it feel like the organization is intentionally trying to destroy people’s mental health by showing them videos of death and violence.

twitter interests

Below are screenshots from a brand new X account that follows only 1 organization. The account has interests like Tech, Science, Space, and Music, but multiple violent videos flood the feed.

Excessive Racism

It should be no news to anyone that racism exists in today’s society. Many would have thought that for all the advancement we have achieved as a species, we would have gotten past hating on each other for things like skin color.

However, in this day and age, many people still feel vile, unwarranted hatred toward groups of people they have never seen.

X (Twitter) takes things up a notch in the line of racism since it has become ground zero for the worst racists in existence.

exhibit d twitter

When Elon said he was purchasing the site, people praised him, thinking it would mean a new era for communication. His die-hard fans would have nearly eaten stones as a ritual to praise their grand edge lord for making Twitter become a bastion of freedom.

However, the promised land never arrived, and X became an apocalyptic racism void where the worst humans could sit all day and churn out racist comments as if they were coming from a racist factory.

In fact, X (Twitter) became so filled with racism that if it were to compete against Firecracker’s Podcast from The Boys, it would win before an announcement occurred.

exhibit c twitter

Twitter: The Feast Ground of Hate

What happens when you put racists, gore enthusiasts, and NPCs in a room? You create the Mother of All Hate Bombs, The Twitter Bomb.

Twitter has always been site zero for hatred. Long before Elon came, the site was infamous for people hating each other like it was a day job.

However, since the rebranding, the hatred level of the app has pushed through the stratosphere. X (Twitter) has gotten so used to hatred that it’s just another day in the park.

The app is so broken that smiling while scrolling would be a miracle because of the millions of people insulting, threatening, and hating each other.

If your therapist were out to get you, they’d recommend you stay on the app for 30 minutes; that’s just how much the hatred on it can ruin your entire day.

exhibit a twitter

Terrible Click Baiting

“Ah, a wonderful wholesome video of a dog and its nice owner walking down the street. I should click to see what people are saying.” Unluckily for Timmy, he is about to go on a wild ride of click-baiting.

Remember when people posted YouTube videos of airplanes with a gazillion tires and wrote: “Shocking, These are the Biggest Planes in the World?” We all thought that era was past us. Sadly, the great edge lord bought Twitter and reinvented the wheel of clickbait.

twitter bait b

With the introduction of the Ad Revenue Sharing on X (Twitter), everyone with a blue tick has turned into a farmer, just not ones with tractors.

Because having more engagement makes people more money, clickbaits have gone through the roof on the app. It now feels like people on the app are trying to tempt you with the cheapest form of clickbait every two seconds. On opening the app, one would see images like this:

It seems everyone wants a thin slice of Elon’s money.

The Comments

For centuries, before the dawn of humans, YouTube was always regarded as the app with the worst comment section. Ancient words of edginess like “bruh,” “first,” bruh💀,” filled its videos’ comments, and people always avoided it like the plague.

However, hope came for YouTube as a new champion arrived: Elon’s Twitter.

With the introduction of the Ad Sharing feature, the Twitter comments section has become a radioactive ground for violent engagement farmers; these people could feed a nation if they put as much effort into actual real-life farming.


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