10 Interesting Monkey Facts For You

incredible monkey facts

Monkeys are one of the most popular animals on the planet, and for a good reason: they are genetically related to humans, as they stem from the same common ancestors as us.

Now, before you go on about how there is no way in the world a human can be related to an animal, you should know that humans belong to the same domain, kingdom, phylum, class, and order as monkeys, meaning we are genetically brothers and sisters. Yikes.

Beneath the popularity of monkeys lie secrets that would make anyone go WOW! And today, we will be looking at 10 cool monkey facts and secrets. So, relax on your tails, and let’s begin.

Key Takeaways

  • Monkeys are one of humanity’s closest relatives. They are related to us genetically and are intelligent creatures.
  • They have incredibly mysterious secrets that are worth learning about.

Taxonomy and Flash Facts

GroupsPlatyrrhini (New World Order), Cercopithecidea (Old World Order)
Approximate Number of SpeciesOver 300

Name Origin: A derivative of the word Moneke from the German version of the fable Raynard the Fox.
Habitat: Land (trees, rocky areas, and grasslands).
Predominant Regions: The tropical rainforests of Africa, Asia, South and Central America.
Endangered Status: Endangered.

There are over 330 Species of Monkeys

When asked about monkeys, many think the animals are from the same species, but that would be wrong, as there are about 334 known species on the planet. Yes, the term monkey belongs to mammals of the infraorder Simiiformes; this means they can range in color, size, shape, and other physical characteristics.

Also, because the infraorder Simiiformes is essential in defining the characteristics of a monkey, many animals people may consider under that term are not monkeys; these animals include chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, bonobos, and humans.

Largest of the Pack

If gorillas are not monkeys, what are the biggest monkeys on the planet? Well, that title goes to the mandrill, an animal weighing up to 54 kilograms (120 pounds). Mandrills belong to the Old World Monkey group. They are the most colorful of their group and are distinctively identified by their red-stripped nose and up to 7-centimeter-long teeth.

image of a mandrill

Smallest of The Bunch

It would be impossible to make a fact about the largest without talking about its opposite counterpart. So, which monkeys are the smallest? That title goes to pygmy marmosets. These animals exist as two species, pygmaea, and niveiventris, and they are so small, measuring only about 100 grams. Pygmy marmosets are also tiny, smaller than an adult human’s hand.

image of a pygmy marmoset

The Tale of Albert II

When one hears Albert II, one instantly thinks of some great lord or sir who existed long ago. However, this name belongs to a monkey who partook in a feat that 99.999% of humans can only dream about. 

History was made on June 4, 1949, as Albert II became the first-ever monkey to travel into space. He flew on a V-2 rocket and reached an altitude of 134 km, 34 more beyond the Kármán line, marking the beginning of space. 

Unfortunately, Albert perished during reentry as his capsule’s parachute failed. He became one of the sacrifices made for humans to leave the planet’s boundaries in space exploration. Later on May 28, 1959, Miss Abel became the first monkey to return from space.

miss abel first monkey to survive space

The Hartlepool Monkey

Human history contains countless wars, and each time, nations and kingdoms try to gain the upper hand over their adversaries by infiltrating their ranks and learning about the plans; this job has been dangerous as spies caught leaking information have suffered fates worse than death.

However, people could go a step further when rooting out spies, leading to weird scenarios; such was the case of the Hartlepool Monkey.

According to local folklore, as Napoleon waged war in parts of Europe, the British hated and feared that everything French was spy-related. When a French chasse-marée suffered a wreck off the coast of Hartlepool, the locals discovered the only survivor was a monkey who, allegedly, was dressed in a French uniform.

The locals immediately held a trial for the animal, and because it couldn’t answer any of their questions, they concluded he was a spy, sentenced him to death, and hanged him on the beach.

Crystal the Monkey

Crystal was born on May 6, 1994. She became one of the most popular monkeys on the planet because of her features in over 30 films. Most of you must have watched a movie she starred in. 

Some of her features include George of the Jungle, Big Band Theory, American Pie, Dr. Do Little 1 and 2, The Big Bang Theory, The Hangover 2 and 3, and Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.

Crystal is also among the wealthiest animals on the planet. For NBC’s Animal Practice, she made about 12,000 dollars per episode. Who would have thought a monkey would have a better career than some who still believe they can become the new Superman (not pointing fingers at anyone)?

The Life of Corporal Jackie

An Image of Corporal Jackie

It’s one thing to learn a monkey has more money than you, but it’s another to discover some have indulged in brave acts you wouldn’t even dare; this is the tale of Corporal Jackie.

In the 1910s, a South African man, Albert Marr, saw a baboon around his farm. He took the animal, named him Jackie, and trained him to live as a pet. When WWI began, Albert joined the army, and because he couldn’t leave Jackie behind, he took him. 

Jackie eventually became a mascot for the South African Army, and during his service, he got injured multiple times. Eventually, he gained the rank of corporal. He died a year later in an accidental fire.

As Loud Than A Jet Engine

The sound measuring scale is a logarithmic one, meaning it exponentially increases. When noise levels exceed 85 decibels, it could result in permanent hearing loss. Some animals can naturally create sounds that could rupture one’s ear drums.

The sperm whale is one of them. Check out our facts on them here.

Another animal known for its extreme noise is the howler monkey; they are so loud that their calls can travel about 5 kilometers.

Do you know anyone who would fit the description of a howler due to their extreme noisiness?

We would love to know in the comments.

Distinct Fingerprints

We are almost sure you have never thought about monkey fingerprints. If you have, then we’d love to say that you are one of a kind. Monkeys, and all primates in general, have distinct fingerprints. You could identify every one of them on the planet by putting their prints into a database.

image of a monkey

The Fastest of Them All

What are the fastest monkeys on the planet? You must have wondered about this question because you want to take them on a race and beat it. Well, sorry to tell you, but your flash self could not beat the patas, or hussar, monkeys. These animals can reach speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour. For more context, Usain Bolt, holder of the world sprinting record, has a top speed of about 44.72 km/h.


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