10 Unknown Evil Things About The Worst People in History

Facts on evil people.

Compiling a list of evil humans that have existed throughout history is almost impossible because many people have committed deranged acts that went undiscovered. Most media and news outlets rank mostly politicians and leaders as the evilest people because their actions impact people on a scale of millions.

However, through this thin veil of analysis, many facts go unchecked, and sometimes nuance is lost. Today, we will dive into 10 hidden facts about people we can consider evil because their acts defile all sense of compassion and reasoning.

Ted Bundy Was A Necrophiliac

Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to corpses.

Ted Bundy is an infamous serial killer who, during his prime, took the lives of tens of women. He had a charming personality that masked the evil within him, and he used this alluring trait to make women feel comfortable around him before murdering them.

However, what some people may not know is that besides the crazy killing, Ted also enjoyed sleeping with corpses. After ending the lives of his victims, he would clean up their bodies and store them in his hideout, then occasionally visit to perform sexual acts. He only stopped when the bodies began decomposing badly or got eaten by wild animals.

Bundy was eventually captured and killed by electrocution on January 24, 1989.

an image of the evil ted bundy
Ted Bundy – The Infamous Serial Killer

Hitler Was Likely An Addict

It is almost impossible for a relatively sane person to start a conflict that leads to the loss of tens of millions of lives and the destruction of property without overwhelming guilt and demoralization.

If there’s anything history has taught us, it’s that wars make people break down mentally.

Though people revered Hitler as their great unstoppable Fuhrer, he was just another human who faced severe demoralization from the wars he caused.

Some sources claim that Hitler had a secret that made him appear unfazed: drugs. The German leader was prescribed cocaine, amphetamines, sedatives, and hormones by his doctors, and he was surprisingly a good patient as he took them regularly.

adolf hitler meeting soldiers
Adolf Hitler Visiting Soldiers

The Crazy Married Serial Killers

The world has seen a large amount of evil people who enjoy torturing and ending the lives of others. However, things get particularly interesting when a couple becomes serial killers; this is the story of Charlene Adell Gallego and Gerald Armond Gallego.

After multiple failed marriages, Charlene met Gerald and married him. Their marriage would eventually become the stuff of nightmares as Gerald would go on to murder over 11 victims, with some being as young as 14. Charlene enjoyed watching the events occur.

Charlene Adell Gallego and Gerald Armond Gallego
Charlene Adell Gallego and Gerald Armond Gallego Mugshot

The Case of Will Brown

Many times, people argue that the evilest humans are those who have committed the most grandiose murders. However, they fail to mention events where supposedly average people partake in the most demented acts. Such was the case of William Brown, an African American man lynched by a white mob during the 1919 Omaha race riot.

Brown was accused of raping Agnes Loebeck, a white woman, and this resulted in his demise.

What makes Will Brown’s case particularly jarring is the fact that his murderers, who took justice into their own hands without any due legal course, took photos of his corpse and were seemingly happy and proud of their actions.

the lynching of Will Brown
The Lynching of Will Brown In the Omaha Race Riots

Genghis Khan and the Black Death

The black death was a bubonic plague pandemic that completely shook humanity to its core. It sits at the top with a death count of 75 – 200 million people.

However, some sources claim Genghis Khan had a hand in the rise of the disease. At the start of the Mongol Empire, Genghis led a brutal campaign that resulted in the death of about 10% of the world’s population. His empire later directly caused the black death’s arrival in Europe as the Mongols besieged the city of Caffa and hurled plague-ridden corpses that infected some sailors who escaped to Europe.

an image of genghis khan
Genghis Khan

The Evil Serial Killer Who Caused Two Innocent Deaths

One thing many people fail to realize is that catching serial killers can be almost impossible because each murder case appears to be slightly different. In the case of Abul Djabar, an Afghanistani serial killer, things took a dark turn.

In the search for the mysterious killer raping and ending people’s lives, the authorities hanged two innocent people. Abul was caught trying to kill a victim and hanged. He killed between 65 and 300 people.

Death by A Thousand Cuts

Sometimes, some people are so evil they need new laws to punish them. Zhang Liangbi was a man who sexually mutilated 16 underage girls, killing 11 of them.

He managed to evade capture until he was about 70 years old. Zhang was sentenced to death by Lingchi (death by a thousand cuts) and slowly tortured till he died.

lingchi, a torture methd used in china
Lingchi – A Torture Method Used In Ancient China

Burying Victims Alive?

The more you dig deep into the depravity of some humans, the more you realize that evil has multiple facets that keep evolving.

Ramadan Abdel Rehim Mansour was an Egyptian street gang leader who killed over 32 boys between the ages of 10 and 14 in seven years.

Abdel raped his victims before throwing them off trains and sometimes even buried them alive. However, when he claimed a female jinn had commanded him to commit the depraved acts of senseless murder.

The authorities executed him in 2010.

Over 900 People?

In the list of evil people, few have personally killed more than 150 people. However, Thug Behram, the leader of the Thuggee cult in Awadh, central India, allegedly killed over 900 people in the 1830s. 125 victims were confirmed, but the remaining are speculated. Still, 125 is a massive number.

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Vlad The Impaler, A National Hero?

An Image of Vlad Tepes

Many articles populate the internet about Vlad, the brutal killer who murdered his victims by impaling them with a stick. However, it’s shocking to learn that he was considered a hero by some Romanian people who praised him for punishing and executing criminals and unpatriotic boyars.


That’s all we have for you today. We hope you enjoyed every bit of information and learned something new. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section and share them with as many as possible.

Till we meet again.

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